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Rosacea - Myths vs. Facts

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More than 16 million Americans have rosacea, and many may not know it.

There are some common misconceptions about rosacea.

Here are a few myths and facts regarding this common condition.

MYTH: Rosacea is a form of acne.

FACT: While incorrectly referred to as “adult acne,” rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition unrelated to acne. The bumps and pimples can resemble acne, however. A skilled dermatologist can help you determine the difference.

MYTH: Caffeine and coffee trigger rosacea flares.

Fact: Any hot beverage, not caffeine, can cause a flare.

MYTH: Excessive drinking causes rosacea.

Fact: Alcohol does not CAUSE someone to develop rosacea, but it can trigger a flare in someone who has it.

MYTH: Rosacea is associated with poor hygiene.

Fact: Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition not related to hygiene. A healthy skincare routine can, however, be a key part of rosacea treatment.

Contact us for more information about rosacea or to be evaluated for possible rosacea and a customized treatment plan.

Same-day appointments are available with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Wilkerson. Contact Fort Lauderdale Dermatology today!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.